Premium 100% Natural Instant Green Coffee

Premium 100% Natural Instant Green Coffee

Available in 6 different flavours for you to choose from!

Rich In Anti-Oxidants:
Green coffee is rich in antioxidants, which reduce the damaging effects of free radicals in our bodies and take care of our overall health. Raw and unprocessed green coffee contains 100% pure Chlorogenic Acid which is basically an ester of caffeic acid having strong antioxidant properties. It can put a check on the levels of glucose in our bloodstream and prevent our skin cells from getting dented.

Boosts Metabolism:
The Chlorogenic Acid present in green coffee is increases the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) of our body to a great extent, which minimizes excessive release of glucose from the liver into blood. Due to the lack of glucose, our body starts burning the stored fat cells in order to fulfill its glucose requirement. Thus, pure green coffee raise our fat burning capability and eventually help us shed off excess weight.

Helps Burn Extra Fat:
These Green Coffee also contain large amount of kelp. It is a certain type of seaweed loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it helps in maintaining the levels of nutrients in our body. In unison, it perks up the burning metabolism of our body so that we can burn out unwanted fat and calories fast.

Suppresses Appetite:
If you are suffering from frequent hunger pangs, green coffee can help you very much. Being a strong and effective appetite suppressant, it can control our cravings for food and averts us from overeating. So, our body starts burning the fat deposits and we get rid of additional weight.

Boosts Energy:
Due to the presence of caffeine, green coffee can be used as excellent energy booster. They can raise our energy level and keep us active during the whole day.

Reduces Effect Of Free Radicals:
Chlorogenic Acid present in green coffee can reduce the effects of free radicals in our body up to 10 times than regular green tea. As the beans are not roasted, there are some other antioxidative agents from the polyphenol family, Ferulic Acid, etc., which decelerate the ageing procedure and give us youthful skin.

Enhances Immune System:
These Green coffee are highly effective in enhancing our immune system. Due to the occurrence of potent free-radical busters, they can help our body eliminate all types of toxic and damaging elements. Consequently, we can get rid of dull and acne-prone skin.

£12.00 per 30 Sachets (3g each)
Mint Flavour

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